Uruz And Organic Gnosticism
Uruz is the archetypal pattern that the entire universe follows. Since that is unknowable to humans we use this rune to mean the egregore of our personal magical belief system. Thus Uruz means each of these things, Organic Gnosticism, the DNA, computer code, algorithm and archetypal reality.
We see this reflected in the highest realms of abstract spiritual energy and concrete spiritual energy which lie above the great abyss. But there is a difference! Like the DNA Uruz exists at all levels and acts as a bridge for the life force to travel between the astral worlds and down into the physical world. It is an energetic pattern that exists in identical form at the highest levels and at the lowest levels and in between.
In the old eon which is now obsolete this pattern was the holy Kabbalah. That pattern has since been broken and replaced by a higher octave pattern that reproduces once more the original pattern of the DNA in all its wisdom and glory. We see glimpses of it within Organic Gnosticism, the ying/yang symbol, Chaos Theory, the Reciprocal Systems theory of Dewey Larson and most importantly within life itself, personal experience and the balance of male and female energies.
To use this rune is to channel the energies through organic archetypal pathways in a conscious manner as opposed to willfully trying to force the energies through unnatural pathways according to ego, distorted thinking and personal desire.