Sexual Orgasm Energy And The Healing Process

Joe Bandel
4 min readNov 15, 2017

Health and vitality are the result of open energy channels within the physical body. Blocked or trapped energies result in illness and disharmony. The healing process involves opening energy channels within the physical body and gaining conscious awareness and control of those energies.

Scientology teaches that past emotional and physical trauma are trapped within the cells of the body as engrams. The human body has a limited amount of free energy available to it and the release of this trapped and repressed energy can significantly increase the amount of free energy the individual has at their disposal. By going back in memory to the original moment of pain which created the engram in the first place and by consciously reliving it; it is possible to release and regain that lost energy. Only by consciously reliving the experience is it possible to release the trapped energy and claim it once more. The original moment of pain resulted in a momentary period of unconsciousness in which the engram was created. During this moment of unconsciousness a snapshot of the entire environment was created. As a consequence anything within that snapshot can trigger and release the energy trapped within the engram! A certain smell, a certain sound, a similar environment, a particular emotion, any of these things can trigger the explosive force which is trapped within the engram.

The same thing is true about sexual orgasm energy! For the average person the orgasm is marked by a moment of unconsciousness, the creation of a blockage or engram, and the snapshot of the environment at the time of its creation. But sexual orgasm energy is deeper and more powerful than the energy of pain. The objective of Tantric practice is to work with sexual orgasm energy with full conscious awareness at all times! In doing this no engrams or blockages are created and the energy is allowed to flow freely and naturally throughout the body. Because of this close similarities may be drawn between Scientology and Tantra in the releasing of engrams through the process of bringing the trapped energies into awareness.

Tantric practice involves the generation of sexual orgasm energy with full awareness for the purpose of developing the androgynous soul and its powers. This energy is generated with full awareness. It can be directed consciously up the spine, into a partner or into the astral planes. But first of all energy pathways need to be cleared of blockages and engrams. This is the first step in effective Tantric practice.

Both engrams and the astral planes are highly elastic and resist penetration. The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is required to break through an engram or make a meaningful change within the astral planes. Once a day is simply not enough. The energy will be merely absorbed and distributed harmlessly in a way which will not produce meaningful change. This is the secret significance of Shiva and Kali being able to destroy and create the universe! To generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day is to destroy the old universe and create a new universe!

This is something that can be proven through practical experience! The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice in one day will result in vivid and explosive dreams as the energy is released during sleep. The generation of sexual orgasm energy only once in a day may or may not result in a vivid or explosive dreams. But the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day will always result in vivid or explosive dreams as the energy breaks through the engrams and pierces the astral layers!

This is the basic foundation of all sex magic practice! It has nothing to do with ritual, technique, mantras, or spirits. It is a mechanical process based entirely on the generation and release of sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day and the resultant destruction of an engram or the piercing of an astral plane! This buildup of pressurized energy will find the weak spot and cause it to rupture! In the beginning, the weak spot will almost always be an engram within the physical body itself. That is why most magical work produces inner transformation and not outward transformation. As the engrams are released and the energy pathways within the body are opened the magical activity shifts to outside of the body and within the astral planes themselves.

Working with sexual orgasm energy is often violent and explosive! Most people will try it a few times, become frightened at the power released, and choose to focus on more harmless things such as ritual, technique, mantras or spirits. A few may choose to work with sexual orgasm energy on a monthly or weekly basis and progress cautiously in the development of their androgynous soul and its powers. Only the bravest of the brave will deliberately choose daily work on this explosive path! Only the bravest of the brave will choose to be a Shiva or Kali!

Working with sexual orgasm energy is different for males and females. Females have an advantage over males because the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is fairly simple and natural for them. The female orgasm naturally pushes sexual orgasm energy through the energy channels within the body and into the astral planes.

The male has a far more difficult time generating sexual orgasm energy twice a day. For the male to generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day for any length of time they must master the difficult technique of semen retention during orgasm. This ancient Tantric practice is required for any male who is serious about following the left-hand path of Organic Gnosticism.

