Scientific Irrationality and Organic Gnosticism

Joe Bandel
1 min readApr 24, 2020


This is my first attempt at decoding some of the information in regards to the increasing irrational behaviors in the scientific community. Unfortunately one can barely bring up the subject in a fifteen minute video! I was also having a bit of trouble with my voice…

But basically I am a strong environmentalist, believing in the importance of interacting in an harmonious way with all living things. Life is the most sacred thing that exists here on Gaia, and I don’t mean just human life. I mean all life!

When we live from the heart we have the proper respect for all life and do the right thing to support it. This is sadly missing in our world today. It is unfortunate that the computer driven models supporting man made climate change through the emission of carbon dioxide is so full of holes that it endangers the real truth of climate change itself. People are justly attacking the flaws in this machine modeled theory to continue plundering the planet. That is not right!

It’s time we wised up and paid attention to the organic reality and life to life interaction instead of computer driven fantasies!



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