Make Sure There Is No President On 20 Jan!

Joe Bandel
2 min readAug 6, 2020


I’ve been wondering about this upcoming election like most of us have. I’ve also been chaffing at the Covid-19 issues like most of us. What is going on? The conclusion that I have come to is that the Dems are not interested in winning this election! To date I have seen nothing that would evidence they truly want to win the upcoming election. There is no platform, no plan, no electable people!

However, if there is no president elect on 20 Jan. Nancy Pelosi can become interim president until:

A : The confused mess from the November election is finally cleared up with no lawsuits or litigation and a clear winner is determined or

B: The November election has been proven to by invalid by election tampering of one kind or another and there needs to be another election!

Of course, the populace would be outraged and there would be incredible civil unrest, so much so that Nancy Pelosi would need to declare martial law to keep order in the entire United States. Good thing that China has a large police force that is trained to deal with mobs. Good thing China has already offered to send police to help out in Portland and other trouble spots. We will need their help!

Of course it would be a problem to have a redo of the election because of the Covid-19 crisis and she might need to remain interim president for a year or two. There might also be the need for martial law until the troublemakers can all get rounded up, especially the one’s with guns!

Well, now that I have that off my chest I will get back to reading “Brave New World”.



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