Gaia Ascension Update Super Bowl Sunday

Joe Bandel
4 min readFeb 4, 2018

I was hoping to do a video but I just don’t have the energy for it. Still there are important happenings that I feel should be addressed and recognized this past few weeks. This pertains directly to Gaia’s ascension and how we experience it as we make our global shift from 3D to 4D or the world of fairy and of magic.

Again I need to share that Gaia has already ascended well into the highest levels along with those able to ascend with her and she did this back in December of 2012. But she has chosen to return back down to 4th density to assure that all life forms upon her will have the ability to ascend with her if that is their choice. Many of us have also ascended and come back to ensure that no one gets left behind.

The entire scenario of Gaia ascending from 3D, skipping 4D and going straight to 5D was the ploy of The Powers That Were, those that hoped to enslave the human race once more and keep it enslaved through another great cycle. 5D is of the mind and 4D is of the heart. Gaia’s ascension is of the heart! It is by listening to the still small voice of the Christ spirit within our hearts and the voice of our conscience that we ascend. It is not through the wisdom of science and technology pursued by the Archons. Our global ascension is an ascension of love for all living things! Let us never forget!

Our global ascension is about collectively embracing prosperity, and reaching out to each other. It is not and can never be about control. It is about freedom!

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that the polarized conflict will continue within our society until the spring equinox in March, but it is obvious which side is winning! The side of prosperity and love is winning! The side of hope and humanity is winning!

During the State Of The Union speech the Democrats couldn’t even applaud in recognition that the unemployment rate for Blacks and Latino’s is the lowest it has ever been! They couldn’t recognize the importance of standing for the national anthem! It became painfully obvious that they wanted the United States to fail so that it could be replaced with a global high tech government run by elites! It became obvious that what they wanted was not prosperity, but control of the American people.

My body has felt this conflict for the past three weeks. It has felt this stress in a way that presented as cold or flu like symptoms, ascension symptoms! My sinuses were so painful that I struggled with blood clots and I’m on blood thinners. But I remain convinced that it was the stress of the conflicting energies and not true illness. I lost two days of work a week apart from each other, Friday’s where I was so sick I couldn’t work. I couldn’t even post on the internet.

That all went away when the House Intel Memo went public! At the same time a major conflict at work erupted and caused a major restructuring of my work space, much for the better! What I’m saying is that in my personal life things are beginning to get better and better! Last week someone actually showed up at my local ascension meetup group and we had a good conversation!

Prosperity is 4D and it is magical! For those ascending the physical is finally beginning to respond to our creative desires! It is happening slowly, but it is happening and there is nothing that can stop it because the change is already reflected in the higher levels of the astral planes.

Our magic is in the process of unfolding so use it! Embrace the prosperity as it shows up, even if it might not be as much as you hoped for. Things will continue to get better as our physical world (4D) becomes more responsive to us and to our intentions.

Understand that the ascension energy is going to be working locally now and not as globally. The new born energies of spring are now entering into our bones and into our new 4D earth. These energies are bringing us life and vitality, especially those of us that have chosen to live here in these physical bodies for a few more years before dropping them as so many others are now beginning to do.

Those that are not in harmony with these new energies of love and of the heart will be brought down and taken out of this world! We have chosen this world to be a Garden of Eden and not a hell! Watch in wonder as the high and mighty are brought down by the weight of their own evil deeds! Recognize how much we have been lied to!

Give thanks that we have been spared what could have so easily have happened! Recognize what we have so narrowly escaped and rejoice in our freedom!

